College establishes Office of the Ombuds for Faculty

Dr. Keith Stone appointed the UF College of Medicine’s founding ombuds

Dr. Keith Stone

Keith Stone, M.D.

March 1, 2017 Dr. Michael L. Good, dean of the UF College of Medicine, announced this week that Dr. Keith Stone, professor emeritus in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, was appointed the UF College of Medicine’s founding ombuds. The goal of the newly established Office of the Ombuds for Faculty is to resolve conflict informally whenever possible, Good said.

As ombuds, Stone will provide a confidential environment in which to listen to concerns and questions and offer an impartial perspective. Good said the Office of the Ombuds for Faculty does not replace the institution’s existing processes and resources for formal conflict resolution.

“I have full confidence in Dr. Stone’s ability to help faculty address problems through impartial listening, understanding and respect,” Good said.

Stone has been a member of the UF College of Medicine faculty since 1988, serving the department of obstetrics and gynecology in many roles, including clinic director, division director and as department chair from 1995 to 2007. During his time at the UF College of Medicine, he has received the Hippocratic Award, the Clinical Teaching Award, the David A. Paulus Award for Clinical Excellence and the Teaching Scholars Lifetime Achievement Award.

“I will endeavor to fulfill the principles of independence, impartiality, informality and confidentiality in assisting faculty in resolving work-related problems,” Stone said.

Margaret Wallace, Ph.D., president of the UF College of Medicine Faculty Council, said the appointment of an ombuds for faculty is very important.

“It is an additional mechanism to help our faculty resolve problems and maintain an optimal work environment,” she said.

Please visit for information on how to contact the Office of the Ombuds for Faculty.