Alumni Portrait: Raymond Benza, M.D. ’89

UF COM alumnus goes the distance to understand his patients who suffer from a rare heart and lung disease

By Jessica Jinah Song
Raymond Benza at the Grand Teton mountain peak with colleagues Kevin Holleran, Andrew McGreer and George Gardner Raymond Benza, M.D. (center), poses on the Grand Teton mountain peak along with colleagues Kevin Holleran (left); Andrew McGreer (right); and George Gardner (rear).
Raymond Benza at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro with colleagues Robert Frantz and Jessica Lazar Raymond Benza, M.D. ’89, poses at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. Benza and two colleagues, Robert Frantz, M.D. and Jessica Lazar, a physician assistant, climbed the mountain to raise awareness for pulmonary hypertension.
Benza, who was recently made a knight by the Royal House of Savoy, was recognized for his dedication to patient care and pulmonary hypertension research.
Benza with his son, Evan, and wife, Edwina Chan Benza's son, Evan (left) and wife, Edwina Chan, a UF College of Pharmacy alumna, pose at the Ballo di Savoia after the official knighting ceremony.