Dr. Michael Good, interim dean of the College of Medicine, presents Dr. Janet Silverstein with her 30-year pin.
Nine faculty member were recognized and honored with faculty service pins during the College of Medicine General Faculty Meeting on Oct. 24.
Irvin Hawkins, M.D., professor and chief of the department of radiology, received a 40-year service pin. Lawrence Berman, M.D., department of anesthesiology, James Flanegan, Ph.D., department of biochemistry & molecular biology, Stephan Lupkiewicz, department of medicine, Willa Drummond, M.D., department of pediatrics, Janet Silverstein, M.D., department of pediatrics, Kathleen Shiverick, Ph.D., department of pharmacology & therapeutics, Paul Dell, M.D., department of orthopedics and Charles Williams, M.D., department of pediatrics, received their 30-year service pins.
This year marks the fifth year of the giving away of service pins at the General Faculty Meeting.
“The pins are beautiful and the faculty always loves them,” said Sally Cole, assistant to the dean of the COM.
Many pin recipients are grateful to the College of Medicine for everything they have accomplished and experienced, said Drummond.
“I’m absolutely stunned that so many years have passed,” she said. “I’ve seen not one, not two, but three new NICU’s and two new hospitals over the passed 30 years.”
One of Drummond’s favorite memories during her 30 years at the COM is when someone told her she was the first woman ever to be promoted “through the ranks” to full professor in the department of pediatrics back in the 1980’s, she said.
“I remember the amazement that hit me when I heard that news,” said Drummond. “How fast things have changed for women in medicine.”