MaryBeth Horodyski, Ed.D., ATC, associate professor and director of research for the department of orthopaedics and rehabilitation, presented research data to the National Football League Physicians Society on February 22. Her findings were on the effects of cooling devices placed in shoulder pads of football players, which were originally created by COM investigators Nikolaus Gravenstein, M.D., and Samsun Lampotang, Ph.D., from the department of anesthesiology. Horodyski’s research was supported by a grant from the NFL Charities. Then on March 1, Horodyski was honored by the Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association (SEATA) and inducted to the SEATA Hall of Fame. The SEATA Hall of Fame is designed to recognize and honor those members of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association District IX (a seven-state region) who performed extraordinary service and brought honor to the profession of athletic training. Horodyski is currently president of the District IX National Athletic Trainers’ Association District and gave a lecture entitled “Family, Athletic Training and the Great Juggling Act” at the SEATA meeting.
Horodyski presents findings to the NFL, honored by Athletic Trainers’ Association
MaryBeth Horodyski, Ed.D., ATC, presented research data to the National Football League Physicians Society