College of Medicine development, alumni and public relations team members attended the annual AAMC Group on Institutional Advancement (GIA) National Professional Development Conference in San Diego March 26 – 29. The conference is designed exclusively for public relations, development, alumni affairs, marketing, and public affairs professionals working at medical schools and teaching hospitals. Tom Fortner, director of the HSC Office of News and Communications is chair-elect of the GIA steering committee.
Kathy Peck, associate dean of Financial Services, has been appointed to chair the Data and Benchmarking Committee of the Group on Business Affairs of the AAMC.
Pat Siter, longtime administrative assistant in the Office of Educational Affairs, was named an honorary member of the Chapman Society during its March 14 Induction and Honor Ceremony.
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology has a new phone number. Please update your records where appropriate. The new number is (352) 273-8471